Supporting South Canterbury

General Enquiries: 03 687 7670


Your Hospice needs to raise $2.1million this year to meet our contract shortfall and to continue to provide the services we offer. All of our services are FREE OF CHARGE to all of our patients and their families. This is why your donation or similar support to us is so important. Without you we would not be here. Please be assured that your donation stays local to provide essential care services to those living in South Canterbury.

Every donation either financial, product or time given is invaluable. Every cent counts and every donation is gratefully received.

We have a few ways you can donate and support us:

Scan the QR Code or click on the button above and follow the prompts. A Tax Donation receipt will automictically be sent to your email address from Giv2.

If you would like to donate straight to our bank account (this way we do not pay fees and the whole amount of your donation comes directly to us) please “Click Here”

If you would like to make a donation using your credit card, (please be aware that there are fees with this and that we do not get the whole amount of your donation) please “Click Here”

Another way to support us is to join our Virtual Coffee Club.  For the price of a cup of coffee a week you could make a real difference to your Hospice “Click Here”nto find out more.

Remember your donations are tax deductable. Receipts are emailed automatically and for regular donors we will post you an annual receipt at the end of the tax year.

Union Dental
55 Broadway Avenue
Timaru, 7910
New Zealand
Office Hours
  • Mon – Fri
    9 am – 4 pm
  • Nursing Station
    24 hours
© Hospice South Canterbury. All rights reserved.
Supplied by SPF.